Friday, 30 May 2014

Another 30 Days Have Passed.....Only 40 Left To Go

So today I've reached Day 60 of 
my personal #100happydays challenge on Twitter.
Some days I find I have so many 
'happy moments' it can be difficult to choose
which one is the best.
Other days it can be so easy, as just one moment 
or photograph can make the day.

Today was one such day......

As we were walking back to the car after our afternoon walk,
we came across this couple down at Porte delle Gatte taking a break 
from their wedding photos. 
I congratulated them as I grabbed my camera 
& asked if they minded if I took a shot.
They smiled & I 'pointed & clicked'.

So I've added it to my collage of photos from Day 31 to 60

And, whichever way you look at it, I've managed some fab 'happy moments'....

Here's to the final 40 days

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