Tuesday, 25 February 2014

IKEA I Love You!

We were only looking for a kitchen roll holder.
Just a simple chrome/stainless steel freestanding one.
Could we find one anywhere? No. Nothing
to be found locally, nor at MaxiMall in Pontecagnano.

So we ended up at IKEA in Baronissi - no luck there
either (partly down to the fact that the
kitchen displays were being revamped & the choice 
of accessories available was somewhat limited).
But as we wended our way towards the exit 
& through the furniture displays, I spotted
a tall chest of drawers. 

We've been looking for such a chest
for 3 years. Been frustrated more than once
on our fruitless searches for something
of just the right dimensions to fit the space
available in the corner of our bedroom.

And now, new for 2014, was this perfect
HEMNES chest, just begging for us
to buy it.  So we did.....

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