Saturday, 26 April 2014

25 April - Festa Day

25 April is a national holiday here in Italy, in celebration
of Italy's liberation on 25 April 1945. 
But in San Marco di Castellabate it is one of the biggest
festas of the year 'in onore di San Marco',
with Mass said for all the local fishermen & their
families, the statue of Saint Mark
paraded around the town before coming
to rest at the top of the church steps as petitions
 are made to ask for his blessing for another good year.

The streets and the piazzetta are decorated with lights

Via Carmine Passaro
La Piazzetta

There was even a free concert given by Maurizio Vandelli.....
we've never heard of him, but he was singing
some 'golden oldies' & although I didn't know
the Italian lyrics, at least I was able to sing along in English!

And, of course, it all began & ended with fireworks....again,
this being Italy, the 'midnight fireworks' didn't actually
happen until 12.30 am

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