Not a bad view for Sunday lunch |
As with most restaurants at Easter, Lo Sparviero was offering 2 set menus -
'Il Menu di Mare' and 'Il Menu di Terra'.
We'd already decided when we booked a table yesterday that we'd both go for the 'Menu di Mare'; after all, Lo Sparviero is renowned as a fish restaurant, so it seemed the obvious choice.
Welcomed with huge smiles and lots of calls of 'Tanti auguri', we were shown to our table
on the first floor - as usual, we were the first diners
to arrive.
Asked whether we wanted acqua liscia or
gassata, a bottle of the fizzy variety promptly
appeared, along with a bottle
of Falanghina di Beneventano - the perfect
accompaniment to a fish menu.
The waiter ran through the menu for us
& we confirmed that we both wanted the
Menu di Mare Pasqua. The wine was poured
for my approval and a few minutes later the entree of Vellatuta di ceci con calamarelle in intingolo al rosmarino appeared...the aroma was
This was followed by antipasto of
Mattonella di Alicia di menaica con impanatura
saporita, provola e pomodorini confit -
a total contrast to the entree
Then came the Primo Piatto,
a beautifully creamy yet still 'al dente'
Risotto con seppie e carciofi.
Hubby found it difficult to finish this,
but I managed to clear my dish, eventually.
And then came the 'Secondo' -
Filetto di orata al cartoccio con
vongole, cozze e gamberetti
(that's sea bream with mussels, clams & prawns
to you & me). And that was by far the best
course, as one would expect.
The Falanghina was gradually going down, but as hubby is teetotal, it was going down rather slowly, so I decided that I'd bring the bottle home with me,
although I did feel a little self-conscious
walking along the Lungomare with
a wine bottle sticking out of my handbag.
'But what about dolce?' I hear you ask,
because, of course, the Italians excel at dolce.
Well yes, there was Dolce di casa,
which was their take on Pastiera,
and very yummy it was too!